Yoga Teacher Training Application 2025

Thank you for your interest in the Joy Collective’s Yoga Teacher Training!

Once you have paid your application fee and have submitted your completed application below, you will hear back within one week regarding your application status.

Upon acceptance to the cohort, your deposit will be due to hold your space in the training.

Please email or text me with any questions you may have.

Welcome. I am so glad you are here.


Important Form Submission Note

We want to be transparent about our form process. While we aim to make your experience smooth, please note due to our website’s current functionality, you cannot save your form progress midway and exit to return later. So please have your information ready before starting so that you can complete and submit the form in one sitting.

Pro Tips

  • Gather all required details beforehand

  • Use a draft document to compile your responses

  • Set aside a block of time to complete the form uninterrupted

  • Do not refresh the page while completing the application

  • Pay your application fee first so you don’t accidentally navigate away from the page